Destruction and Other Poems

Hello all! I am sorry I have not been posting regularly; I have many things going on in my life. I will attempt to be slightly more consistent, but with school starting back up, who knows? I am aware that the title of this post is slightly depressing. I mean, who wants to read about … Continue reading Destruction and Other Poems

Hamlet on Dating

Hello everyone! Sorry for not posting sooner, but I've been busy with scholarships and things. Today, I'd thought I'd post my rewrite of Hamlet's "To Be" soliloquy. As a backstory, I have been working on a play about a girl who is trying to decide whether or not to go on a date. In one … Continue reading Hamlet on Dating

Why We Should Read Jane Austen

I recently gave a speech in my communications class in an attempt to persuade my classmates to read Jane Austen, my favorite fiction author. Since I have not written anything on her works yet, I thought I would share this speech with you. Happy Reading! ***             There comes a time in every persons’ life … Continue reading Why We Should Read Jane Austen

Cinderella’s Redemption

Everyone knows the story "Cinderella"—or at least, they should. After all, different versions of the fairy tale exist all over the world. Today though, I want to look at the European version. If you've never heard of Cinderella, here's a brief synopsis: a young orphaned girl is enslaved by her evil stepmother and stepsisters, and … Continue reading Cinderella’s Redemption